Launching the Hub
Since 2018, a group of dedicated Yukoners have been working toward the goal of launching a Physical and Virtual Hub for Yukon’s nonprofit organizations.
In the Yukon, there are approximately 720 non-profit organisations (source: Corporate Affairs). There is a need for a specific organisation representing the interests of, advocating for, and supporting the third sector. We believe that NGOs will increase their effectiveness and have a greater impact on the community by building capacity in the areas of training, communication, resource access as well as in volunteer and staff recruitment. The creation of the HUB is one way to achieve this by enabling NGO to access all these services offered in one place.
NGO Hub Steering Committee began meeting
Feasibility study completed
Physical and Virtual Business plan completed
MOU signed with Lumel Studios for Physical Hub for NGOs/service providers
NGO Hub Committee becomes a registered Yukon Society
Virtual hub website development and phase 1 planning