The Yukon NGO HUB Society

Training Program for Executive Directors 

A training program for executive directors will be developed to increase their knowledge and efficiency. Professional development opportunities and issue-specific seminars can be offered in response to emerging trends and issues that affect directors and their agencies.

  • The program can provide executive directors with the knowledge and skills to manage human resources effectively, create a supportive work environment, connect with other employers to find and keep workers, develop training programs for new or existing workers, find, hire, and support workers that are a good fit for the organization, hire workers to address emergent Government of Yukon priorities and develop leadership skills.
  • The program can help executive directors understand the importance of finding workers from these groups and provide them with the skills required to do so.

The NGO Hub Society will work with Yukon University to develop the program. 

The Yukon NGO Hub Society plans to start the training program for executive directors in September 2024.

If y0u are looking for more information, please contact us.