The Yukon NGO HUB Society

Phone: 867-336-1499


The NGO Hub is in development. We have identified the following needs are exploring a variety of services and resources to be made available to Yukon NGOs.

Sector Advocacy

Common concerns of NGOs are: wage parity, CRA regulations, transparency in government decisions and policies, compliance with legislation, such as privacy and data or document storage regulations

Access to Professional Services

(Many NGOs are interested in services like bookkeeping, accounting, grant application writing, fundraising, HR, legal, IT and other tech support).

The Hub will support access to a network of professionals with expertise in Yukon legislation and practice. This may be done by negotiating for guaranteed access to professionals, and also by maintaining a roster of qualified professional consultants.

Training & Workshops

The Hub plans to develop and offer training on topics of interest to Yukon NGOs. Possible topics are: Why Serve on a Board / Governance 101 / Capacity Building / Key Skills for Presidents and Chairs / Key Skills for Treasurers / Planning & Running an AGM / Coaching and mentorship for EDs and Chairs & Presidents / Risk Assessment / Financial Red Flags / Succession Planning / Effective Meetings / Taking Minutes / and more

Health and Retirement Benefits

The Hub plans to offer our members referrals to selected benefit providers, such as Common Good (retirement benefits) and Community Services Benefits Trust (health benefits).

We are still in the development stage but would like to invite you to sign up now already, as Clients of the Hub, for our services, or as Friends of the Society, to help shape the future of the Hub. There will be no charge until March 31, 2024, and the renewal rates after that will be as shown below.

Clients of the Hub



Per Year

Supporter of the Society


Per Year