The Yukon NGO HUB Society

Sue Edelman

President Yukon NGO Hub Society

Yukon NGO Society President Sue Edelman has been in a leadership role with the Society since the first meeting 5 years ago. She has the

  • Ability to Chair and serve well as a director on Community/Government Boards and committees; and has
  • Served several years as City of Whitehorse Councillor and MLA, developing and maintaining community relationships
  • Served as Minister of Health and Social Services, Tourism, Women’s Directorate, Yukon Liquor Corporation and the Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board
  • Has managed multi-million-dollar budgets for the Yukon Government, the City of Whitehorse and Elections Canada.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience working with volunteers and paid staff in many capacities, including; recruitment, orientation, recognition and training
  • Considerable experience in fundraising and organizing events
  • Experience working and volunteering in the Non-Governmental Organization sector including the Heart and Stroke Foundation, Mae Bachur Animal Shelter, the MacBride Museum, the Yukon Convention Bureau, The Vanier Institute of the Family, Swim Yukon, the Riverdale Community Association, the Yukon Harpists Society, the Canada Senior Games, the Whitehorse Community Choir and the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition.
  • Over forty years of experience working with people through volunteer work and family.

Sue has a deep commitment to serve the Yukon and her community. She enjoys singing in various choirs, distance walking, swims, gardens and travels.